How does it work?
A Toy Library works just like a normal library. Families borrow toys – as per their membership level – for a borrowing period of two weeks, and then return them and borrow more. Like all toy libraries, borrowing at the Sunbury Toy Library is for members only, but it’s easy to join and we always welcome new members. Find out more about membership and borrowing.
How much does it cost?
We aim to keep our membership fees low, so that the cost of membership is less than the cost of a new toy. We also offer concession prices for those with a concession card. Our membership fees are outlined on our membership pricing page.
Are the toys clean?
Yes, we ask all members to clean toys before returning to the Toy Library, and our Committee work hard to keep toys clean and well looked after. Our toys are chosen for the Toy Library because they are easy to clean, difficult to break and likely to offer good play value over many years.
Do you accept toy donations?
Yes, we welcome donations of quality used toys. We love to see preloved toys being used in the toy library. However, we ask that they are easy to clean and difficult to break. Please contact us if you have toys to donate.
Can I help?
The Sunbury Toy Library is run by a Committee of members, and we are happy to welcome members who would like to join. Our Committee take on roles like Secretary (handling correspondence, newsletters and the database of members) and Finance officer (handling all the funds raised through membership, fundraising and grants and organising payment for expenses). Our Committee also run the toy library sessions.
If you are unable to put in the time to be on the Committee, you can still help out in many ways- promoting the toy library with friends and other groups that you are a member of, helping with specific fundraising events, or assisting us with stocktake once per year- just talk to the Committee member on duty the next time you are in the toy library to find out more.
Any other questions?
Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions about the Sunbury Toy Library.